The Child/Youth Experience

Tailored Grouping:

We believe in fostering a supportive community for every child. Students are grouped with peers of similar ages, ensuring that friendships are formed naturally, and each participant feels a sense of belonging.

What Musical Experience should my child have before attending this camp?

Children and Youth should be able to match pitch (sing the same note as everyone else) and be working on, or more advanced than, RSCM Dark Blue Level or equivalent. At this level they have sung with their program regularly for at least a year, are able to sight read a hymn, and are recommended by their choirmaster for the experience. We are happy to talk with prospective families and choirmasters about whether your child is ready for this experience. Contact

Fun and Games:

Your child’s week is not just about singing. We have lots of ice-breakers, time to play outside on the grass, access to the UE gyms and swimming, plus evening activities including a visit to an old-time pinball arcade, movie night, a talent show, and a cornhole tournament! Our proctors are experts at facilitating fun and games, and noticing when your child might need a break!

Personalized Attention:

Our commitment to individualized care is reflected in a maximum 6 to 1 ratio of kids to proctors. Our dedicated adult leaders ensure that your child receives the attention they deserve, both musically and personally.

Thoughtful Housing:

Comfort and safety are paramount. Dormitories are separated by gender, creating a secure environment where choristers can focus on their choir camp journey. Each child will have a carefully selected roommate pair, encouraging camaraderie and lasting connections. Our trained staff are always in the dorm when children are present.

Quality Dining and Nutritional Considerations:

We understand the importance of a balanced diet. Our team, with UE’s dining services, go the extra mile to accommodate dietary needs, ensuring that every child enjoys nutritious and delicious meals throughout their stay.

Health and Wellness:

Your child's well-being is our top priority. With a qualified nurse on staff, rest easy knowing that medical support is readily available. From minor scrapes to any health concerns, our dedicated healthcare professional is there to provide the necessary care. Every afternoon we have a time of vocal rest and quiet in the dorm.

Electronic Devices:

Devices and screens are a serious distraction to developing face-to-face friendships and having fun in the real world. All non-adult participants are device free for the week and adults are instructed to be discreet in their screen use around youth.

Housekeeping Basics:

All Children and Youth stay in Moore Hall on the UE campus in air-conditioned double rooms. Each floor is equipped with several restrooms with private shower and toilet stalls. Students are highly supervised in the dorms. Each floor has multiple Proctors in residence living with the choristers. Participants should plan to bring:

  • A set of extra-long twin sheets and blanket (or a sleeping bag)

  • pillow and pillowcase

  • towels